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Ling & Jun

Sunny sunday
10 May 1991
I pray for nothing


Tell Me.

Your CBOX code here!

My Thanks.

Designer: Cheryl
Bases Codes: Manikka
Fonts: Dafont
Images: Deviant Art
Image Host: Photobucket
Lyrics: Letssingit
Others: Adobe Photshop CS2
Friday, June 3, 2011

Din expect to see her, kinda affected by her show yesterday at cine. Sigh, I almost forgot bout her existence. She is still there, still your girlfriend.

She saw me. Her eyes look cold but not surprise. She don't seems to be happy.

Sometimes I wonder.. When you have finally settle her issue to be single again, will I be tired alread. Just like in d past when you stand by me, you told me that you will be there always, but somehow or rather you got tired. And attitude changes.

Is it a wrong move, to stay on?

I love you. More then anyone. Deep down I will always question, why would you let me go through such? Cos I thought you love me, more then anyone else too.

Have you red-ed? :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Busy me

Now is the peak season for our company, so I have real lots of things to do everyday. I have lesser time for myself. Not a bad news tho. I used to think of you whenever I stop working, even till now. I still believe that you are what I wanted in life, except that I also believe that it is all over alread. You know, I hardly eat ice cream nowadays, I was wondering 'what about you?'. 'Cos we used to share so much ice creams memories. *Smiling*

Work & work. I have endless energy now, cos I look so much forward to my plans! I will be going for laser for my skin during october. Maybe a holiday too, cos is my birthday month! YAY. Awesome october.

Oh im so gonna setup a 'Goh Meng Ling's Europe Backpack Trip Fund Raising Event' to raise my fund for the up & coming June. That said, I will be flying there to meet Mr Yong & friends in less than a year time. =D

Can life be any better?

Have you red-ed? :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I was packing Jun's belonging...
His clothes and stuff...
My heart is heavy, right now, i am not happy
But i still feels that we have a tiny hope, to be back together again :)
If i can learn to be happy, not so paranoid
Before i have the courage to find my way back, i will work hard for myself
Although i felt insecure leaving him to the world 'cos to me he is a darn good catch :)

I knew this had to be done

I went through some of my note books,
and i saw some of the notes i written since i knew Jun
I sound unhappy in most of the notes, in fact, all of the notes
Like from the start i am afraid of him leaving me, or thinking of leaving him when i face problems.
I guess even if Jun did not read my notes, he somehow sensed my thoughts.
I felt sorry, but saying sorry is useless.

As i daze into my thoughts,
An event flash across my mind..

It was during the early days when Jun was with me
I felt down and moody that few days,
at that point of time i believe that i was haunt by past experience.
i felt silly now, 'cos i was the one who allow myself to do so, shouldn't have :(

That day, Jun came to my house after work
And he just call me to accompany him to have dinner
Although i went out with him,
I was not smiling
Until when we reach the place for dinner
It was at The Night Safari
That was my first time there i must say
And before that i never know i will like such places
I was fascinated by the shows, the animals
I lost track of time looking and got amused by the animals actions
While i was on the 'train' touring the Safari,
Our eyes met,
Jun look into my eyes and say
'You finally smile...'

Have you red-ed? :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I miss
my baby...
my sweet heart...
my baobei...

his smile...
his sparkling eyes...
his hugs...
and his smell...

Have you red-ed? :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I miss my baby...

Good night, hope you have a sweet dream tonight.

Have you red-ed? :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Nice Nice pictures~

Have you red-ed? :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

22nd birthday :)

The night before my birthday :)
I realised my nose is so sharp cos i smell ying's perfum when i reached home.
* they were up stairs

Have you red-ed? :)

I look so in love

Love the Stairs

OMG, I thought it supposed to kiss me?!

Im in a gym

My pretty necklace and me


Have you red-ed? :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lurrve~ *miao*

I love to see you sleep
I love, you always trying to hide your drool when you wake up from your dreams.
I love to touch your tummy although there isn't much substance.
I love it best when you cook my favourite soup for me, yummy~
I love every bit of the moment when Im with you.
Nevermind that it isn't forever.
It is my fortune to love you
To have you as mine
And to know that you love me too!
I pray that, both of us, together or apart find love and live in happiness

Have you red-ed? :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

We are together on the 11th of dec! i finalli remember!

Kiam pa face..... ops....

Im just being efficient. Better post all pictures before i lost my hp again.. Hell knows wat will happen..
i will, will organise it when i free tho...

Have you red-ed? :)